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We swim where the birds are

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      Cascade Infinity  

Landscapes of Noise  43" Sound 

Landscapes of Noise 43" In February 2023 Jo Thomas was invited to perform a new work , Landscapes of Sound in the 
Limonaia Di Villa Strozzi in Florence.

Soft Apple  Composer Electronic Music  Jo Thomas


Imprint since 2017

Soft Apple was founded in 2017, based around the release of Electronic music 
Soft apple an imprint and part of a music community of DIY artists. It explores and experiments, it is transient.

Utter Drawings Massive Angels OTO Muesum


OTO Sound Gallery Zurich 2022

Massive Angels, 2021
37m 18s, sound

In 2020 artist Jo Thomas spent time in North Wales UK crossing the landscapes of the highest point of Anglesey in the rotating wind farm Trysglwyn Fawr. Here she composed the work Massive Angels, a work for electro acoustic sound based on the movment of Turbine Power  Electricity and Windmills.

Sketch of Nature , Jo Thomas New Hospital Commision


22 min" Sound 2020/21

In 2020 Jo Thomas  was invited by Studio Response as lead artist to create a sound instillation for a multi faith chapel. It is a Critical Care Hospital. The work was  created to be a celebration of living. 

Ty Cerdd supported the project and released the works for the chapel under their label Ty Cerdd Records.



Music Theatre Berlin 2012 Jo Thomas Lisa Lamb


Ways of Making

When working Jo mostly works with a combination of images, digital technolagy, video, words and notation as a way of expression in music and sound.She writes very present electronic music and acoustic works.She has worked with Dance,independant theatre, film.
Her scores have been shown cultural spaces such as  Kings place,the Warehouse, London, Berlin,Bergamo and Florance.

Pallative Care  Practise Music Dementia Jo Thomas


Sound,Walking,Celebration and Reflection

Jo Thomas is a  walker and has recorded and designed soundwalks in London, Chesire Cumbria and Wales.
She has written music for reflection and celabration of life in Pallative and Critical Care  and worked with individuals in private gardens and personal spaces. She has worked with sound music and pain relief. She is currently musican in Residence for Hallmark Care Homes.

Spirit of Gravity Jo Thomas .HEIC


March 2nd 2023

Jo Thomas is a Performer and improvisor and plays live around the UK and internationally . She was delighted to work in Spirit of Gravity Brighton in March 2023.

Natures Numbers 97 Feet East Jo Thomas



Jo Thomas For Synth Remix 2018 
Inspired by the work of Radio Phonic's 
Composed and Remixed for the Synth Remix Tour./ Classical Remix 
Inspired by work from the papers of Delia Derbyshire and notes from the Radio phonic workshop. 
Support and Funding for the whole project gratefully received from 
Arts Council of England, Sound and Music, PRS Foundation and the Fenton Arts Trust..
Composition and performance Jo Thomas
Sound engineering Hannah Broderick

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"intricate, bold and deeply beautiful music" 


Jo Thomas is a musician from the UK. Jo works as an improviser, composer and creator. She performs internationally, in London and throughout the UK. Jo Thomas is a self-released artist with her own digital imprint Soft Apple.Her music is available through Naxos, Naxos USA, Entracte, NMC recordings, and Ty Cerdd. Jo Thomas was Musician in Residence for Musica/Hallmark between 2021-23 .


Jo writes electronic and acoustic music, she works  with miniatures and large scale forms within her writing. 


In 2012 Jo won Prix Ars Electronica for her work Sounds of a Synchrotron. Her music is often emotive, working with references to biological elements.

Her work is full of abstraction , shadows and mysteries. She creates music with a language built from intricate digital glitches ingrained with noise and sub-bass structures. 


Since the early 1990's Jo has worked with Electro-acoustic sound, working in Studios such as INA GRM Paris, EMS Stockholm, and Djerrasi San Fransisco. Jo Thomas often works with elements of visual art and glitch  as an expression of sound.Her work has been referenced and discussed in academic books about art, music and sound. Her work can be found in published academic videos, recordings, podcasts and books. She has worked with Electroacoustic music and improvisation for a long time and compositional structures and her musical thinking has evolved from her processes both in performance and preparation. Jo Thomas has an impressive back catalogue of commissions and self-released work. She has played in major festivals and very small unique venues. Her work can be found in the British Music Collection and the British Library.

She is greatful for the support she has received through PRS, Britten Pears Foundation. Ralph Vaughn Williams Trust, Arts Council of England. Arts Council of Wales and Greaame. This summer Jo Thomas was Professor of Electronic Sound/ teacher  for the Dartmouth University International Exchange Programme in London.  (2024)Jo Thomas has lived experience of Disability. Jo acknowages the complexity of Disability through most of her work. As culture has changed so has Jo's work responding to situations around her. Jo often works as a music mentor and creative support for adults.

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